FC 25 3M终极团队硬币
从市场上最安全的供应商 - ROYALFUT 商店在线购买FC 25 3000000硬币。
从市场上最安全的供应商 ROYALFUT Store 在线购买 EA FC 25硬币。销售 FIFA Ultimate Team 物品是我们 7 年多来的专长。我们的目标是确保我们的客户获得最优惠的价格和最安全的 FC UT 硬币转移。ROYALFUT 凭借其用户友好的界面、安全的支付选项和出色的客户服务,提供方便愉快的购物体验。
您可在此以仅114 USD的价格购买FC 25 3M枚硬币。下单后,请确保您已在所有设备(控制台/PC 和通过 FC Web App/Companion)上退出 Ultimate Team。 FC 25 3M枚硬币将在3-5 hours内转入您的帐户。
- 您的 UT 俱乐部中有3000 k 个硬币
- EA 税(5%)覆盖率;
- 您的帐户 100% 安全。
- 访问您的 EA 账户 如果您拥有适用于 PlayStation 4、PlayStation 5、Xbox One、Xbox Series S、Xbox Series X 游戏机或 PC 的 EA Sports FC 25的授权副本(无论是作为实体 CD 还是通过 EA App、Steam 或 Epic Games Store 以数字方式购买),您就一切就绪了。为了完成订单,我们需要您的 EA 帐户详细信息(电子邮件地址、密码和一些备用代码)。请放心,我们不会存储您的数据;每次订购后都会删除它。
- 解锁转会市场 要获得您的FC 25 3000000硬币,请确保您的转会市场已在 Web 应用程序中解锁。如果尚未解锁,您需要每天参加 3 场完整的 Ultimate Team 比赛并定期访问 FC Web App/Companion,直到获得访问权限。
- 至少 5000 个硬币 UT 俱乐部余额 — 此金额是启动转会的必要条件。如果您的余额较低,您可以通过在转会市场上架或使用“快速出售”选项出售一些可交易物品。或者,您可以通过参加比赛赚取金币。请记住,您的起始余额越高,交付过程就越快。
cheap coins rapid transferring
Very good marketplace, they do really good job
Couple of my mates were chewing my ear off about this royalfut site for quite some time, I Wasn't even playing that much fifa at a time not to mention buying any coins. But then after we were placed on another lockdown I started playing much more and finally decided to try buying some coins and of course first site that popped up in my head was royalfut. Actually, it was awhile ago, now I use it on a regular basis and I don't even think about trying any other site. Sorry for that lenghty monologue ahaha, just know that It's good, like reaaally good! Cheap, fast and safe - that's the motto of royalfut. You should really try it yourself, you won't regret it, you have my word.
Very safe, many coins transferred to my account, no market ban received
Welcoming atmosphere when start using the site and always sensational work from the staff, doing orders very fast and very safely
You can always rely on Royalfut to deliver your coins as fast and safe as possible
Recently I got recommended Royalfut and I made my first order the other day, I bought 500,000 coins for ps4, got some help from support chat to place an order properly, then i have waited for not longer than 40 minutes and the coins were already on my balance, that's quite a good first experience, it surely won't be long until my next order
Was curious to try this coin store out and left as very satisfied client who will definitely come back for more coins
Royalfut always able to finish the order in time, for example last time I ordered 700,000 fut coins for my ps4 ultimate team and received them after the lapse of 45 minutes
100% recommend I've never had an experience of buying coins that fast