Предлагает уникальную систему доставки монет FIFA 25. Мы сотрудничаем с рекордным количеством поставщиков монет. При выполнении вашего заказа мы используем специальные правила, которые гарантируют, что к вашему аккаунту никогда не будут применены никакие санкции со стороны EA. Смотрите некоторые из этих правил ниже
Оценено 4.6 / 5
RoyalFUT always amazes me with the effort they put into their work
Safe and fast Buying loads of coins pretty often, delivery is always fast and no bans after transfers
Wonderful experience, everything was as good as advertised
450.000 fut coins for ps4 were delivered to me in very short time, something around 30 minutes, this and also cheap prices is why royalfut is very good coin store
Nice and professional service Staff at royalfut do their job really good and professionally, you really can rely on them, they always deliver fastly and safely, they always offer help in support chat if you need it and they always care about safety of your account, I think this is enough to say that it is a really and really good coin shop
Verified not a scam and very good generally
Exceptional service, would be a shame not to recommend
Not much time needed for coins to come to account when ordering via royalfut which is really great and reply time from support service is low too
Impeccable level of service You can expect your coins to be delivered to you on very fast speed and also if you have some trouble or question there is a chat with support in the website and you can rely on them to answer you really quickly and help with every step of the process
First time using royalfut and absolutely no issues werr spotted, enjoyed my stay a lot