Biedt een uniek FIFA 25 munten leveringssysteem. We werken samen met een recordaantal munten leveranciers. Bij het uitvoeren van uw bestelling, gebruiken we speciale regels die garanderen dat er nooit sancties op uw account worden toegepast door EA. Zie enkele van deze regels hieronder
Beoordeeld 4.7 / 5
Royalfut helped me so many times, prices are very affordable and the speed of transferring is high, very good service. Keep it up and I always will be your client!
Royalfut brings a lot of joy when using it to purchase fut coins because it costs little amount but delivers very fast every time and they have very good customer support system, you can contact them in online chat on the website or in whatsapp and they will answer you very quick and help with everything
Best site of its kind, would totally recommend!
I suggest to use this shop because if their great pricing and speed of which they deliver coins, it is very fast so no need to wait for your coins for whole day
Very good hands to trust your account with and to get the cheapest FUT coins transferred to it, used other sellers' sites before and this one is ten times better
First time using royalfut and absolutely no issues werr spotted, enjoyed my stay a lot
This store turned out to be very good in spite of my expectations, made couple of orders here and now I'm absolutely sure that I can trust this one
Nice and lovely and brilliant service, worked very fast easy to use, my order of 630k coins was concluded after 40 minutes super great, today is hard to find good service like this
I never used any better site for fut coins than this!
now i will not go to any other web site which sell fut coin because I had very good experience on royalfut. they delivered me my 2mil fut coins for ps5 in not long timing and did not mess up my account so i did not get banned or something else